Springfield Primary School

Springfield Primary School

Achieving Over The Years

End of Year Awards


 End of Year Awards Assembly 

100% Attendance 
Harper Mateer
Harley Mateer
Jace Fleck
Harrison McCallin
Maximus Sanger
Cara-Jane Millar
Scarlett Gregan

P7 Fishing Awards 
Piper Smith
Rose Moody
Mack Brownlee
Robbie Gamble
MJ Gray

 P1 Embodiment of School Rules Award 
Poppy Clarke
Phoebe Murray

 P1 Endeavour Award 
Leon Walker
Heidi Hackett

 P2 Endeavour Award 
Lewis Faulkner
Jessi McArthur

 P2 School Ethos Award 
Abbie Hollywood

 P3 Artistic Endeavour 
Emily Hutchinson

 P3 Progress Award 
Caleb Lowry
Darcey Logan

P3 Outstanding Achievement Award 
Marcus Mearns
Charlotte Smyth
Olivia Martin



Friday Football League Player of The Year Male 
Rio Reill

 Friday Football League Player of The Year Female 
Rose Moody
Lacey Megarry

 Footballer of The Year Male & Female 
Robbie Gamble
Gabriella Douglas

 Goalkeeper of The Year Male & Female 
Cooper Lorimer
Harper Mateer

 Senior Sports Award 
MJ Gray
Jack Harrison

Junior Sports Award 
Levi Trainor



 Senior Languages Award 
Keely O’Neill

Junior Languages Award 
Olivia Martin


Eco Warrior of The Year Senior 
Martha Rafferty

 Eco Warrior of The Year Junior 
Maximus Sanger



 Digital Leadership Senior 
Lucas Montgomery

Digital Leadership Junior 
Logan Fee


 Numeracy Award 
Freddie Millar

 Literacy Award Senior 
Lacey Megarry

 Literacy Award Junior 
West Weir


P7 Young Enterprise 
Team - Tropical Beads



 Attendance Shield 

Music, Drama, The Arts Award 
Tilly Hermon

Friday Football League 
Team Fermanagh

 Literacy Shield 
Aleah Yorke

The Haugh Cup 
Rhys Cooke

 Principals Accolade Cup 
Alex McKinley