Springfield Primary School

Springfield Primary School

Achieving Over The Years

Eco Schools

Eco Committee 2023-2024

Primary 4: Isla McKee & Charlie Dalton 

Primary 5: Jaylah Logan & Rhys Cooke 

Primary 6: Tilly Hermon & Jay Freeland

Primary 7: Rose Moody & MJ Gray

Springfield Primary School is committed to the ECO Schools programme and we are currently working towards our 2nd Green Flag.  ECO Club meets every Wednesday to assist the ECO Committee with the Green Flag pledge. 

Major topic:  Outdoor Learning


At Springfield, we have developed a new outdoor area and we are committed to provide pupils with plenty of opportunities to learn using the outdoor environment.  ECO Club maintains this environment and we take great pride in keeping our school tidy.  Leaves from the trees are used in our compost bin, along with some of the food waste from our daily snack.  We have also planted strawberry, raspberry and blueberry plants which we hope to provide school with a sustainable source of fruit. 

We assist Mrs Andews with planning outdoor play activities for KS1 and Foundation Stage.  We even made sensory  playdough at Christmas and created our own game of decorating a Christmas tree using shapes.


Minor Topic: Transport


We are working towards our Gold Sustrans Award and will be participating in the Big Walk and Wheel in March 2024.  Beverley from Sustrans educates us on road safety and frequently visits the school for fun workshops.  We like to encourage our children to have an active lifestyle.  This includes 'Fit Fridays' when pupils try to come to school in an active way and the recent introduction of our Friday walking club has been a great addition.


Minor Topic: Global Development Education

ECO Club are learning about the Global Development Goals and entered a competition called Game Changers in March 2023, which has been developed by Trocaire.  Trocaire visited the school to assist us with the competition.  We had lots of fun and even joined Games club to get some inspiration for our game design.  Our final design 'Pollution Solution' was picked as one of the top 16 finalists across Ireland, an achievement that we are immensely proud of.  Pupils travelled to Dublin University for the competition to demonstrate their game to the judges.  It was a fantastic day.    



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Ukraine Donations

Our school ECO Team pictured with all the donations which will be sent out to Ukraine from Springfield Primary School. This includes blankets, toiletries, soap, facecloths, toothpaste, deodorant, baby wipes, nappies and sanitary products.

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STEAM Science Box

Springfield Primary School is one of twelve schools in Northern Ireland lucky enough to receive this special Science-in-a-box, supported by STEAM Education and Almac. 

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Green Flag

The ECO Team achieved their first Green Flag in June 2019. 

The topics they focused on were: Waster & Litter and Healthy Living & Transport. 

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